
East Beach

The weather was sunny with temps in the 80's, so we headed out today with the beach in mind. Travels brought us to Rhode Island, first stop being Westerly. Found a cool cemetery by the water and then headed to grab a bite to eat at DJ's Diner (decorated 50's style)- food wasn't too great. We thought we may find some free parking (usually runs $10-$14) at Misquamicut, but that wasn't the case; we drove around the bluffs but there was no parking available- enjoyed the views and gorgeous beach houses though.

With Jakob sighing in the back seat and telling us how "down in the dumps" he was, we continued on Rte. 1. Second stop was Charlestown. We went down to East Beach (click title for info. on the beach/conservation area)-FOUND FREE PARKING- and decided to explore.
At this point it was 4:30 p.m. and the temp was 74 degrees. There were a couple handfuls of people and it was quiet. We all enjoyed ourselves! Jakob and Kaleb dipped their feet into the cold water. Jakob spent most of his time looking for shells with Daddy; Kaleb loved the feel of the sand on his feet and laughed so hard at the waves crashing that he ended up in a coughing fit.

Beautiful ride home until we got closer inland where the temps were 85 and humid.
Todd and I are a "little" red. My parents stopped over with our big A/C that my Dad so nicely cleaned- Todd was quick to install!

*Kids beach pics will be on their pages shortly (this week)

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