
Charlie Left a Few Inches

It started snowing Sunday night into Monday. Unfortunately I had to go to work, but I would have loved to stay home and play with the kids. The ride in wasn't too terribly bad (snow/ice mix)..except when some truck driver in a little fat Dorito truck decided he was going to pass me and got a little too close- his "drafting" was causing me to go off the highway.

This is what the back yard looked like by the time I came home. Todd and Jake went out for a bit, and they enjoyed hot chocolate to warm them up. The pictures didn't come out well enough for me to want to post (will have some of Jake and his red cheeks on his page).


Can't Keep Him Away

Todd and Jake were playing a Thomas game on the laptop when Kaleb "the computer guy" noticed he wasn't included. He screamed to be picked up and then all was quiet. (Yes, Todd is wearing a "wife beater"...he wears them under his work shirts.)


Happy New Year

Todd and I managed to stay up to watch the ball drop, then lights out! We ate a big ham dinner for lunch...and the boys passed out. This was waht they did most of the day (except Jakob). I did housework, prepared for work/school, and sent my thank you cards off to be printed at Shutterfly.