
S' Ghetti Face

Who's That Birdie in the Window?

We have 2 new neighbors. They are pretty quiet for the most part. They each sleep in a corner of one of our bedroom windows. Tried to get a picture tonight (you can see him in the left corner along with some of their droppings in the sil...).

Moment of Remembrance

Remembering Gramp (4), Grama (3), Steve (5), and AJ (4) this month on their anniversaries; and Bob on his passing (2/6).


Poor Babies

What a week.

Monday, Jake's ear hurt so bad that he couldn't ride the bus home and Todd picked him up. A Dr's appt confirmed an inner ear infection (he has on't had outter ones). I felt so bad, he cried quite a bit that night. As we waited in the waiting room, he said quite loud, "Mom, am I going to have to take "anibionics"? Remember it gives me diarrhea!!". He ran a fever until Tuesday. I spent the day at home with the boys. He freaked out a lot with his ear "leaking"..it was pretty gross.

Tuesday night Kaleb developed a fever and had one on and off until Thursday, along with "messy pants". Wasn't quite sure what he had (everyone where I work is sick), but he did cut 2 more teeth and it looks like 2 more are coming in. He has been lounging a lot.


Happy Love Day

We had a nice Valentine's Day! Grammy stayed for a special dinner and dessert (Nana was in FL on vacation).


60th Dinner

Tonight work held a 60th dinner at the Laurel House. Entertainment consisted of a live band.
My favorite part was dessert.


Two in a Million

Bob is not well, I will write more about it another time.
Todd and I think the world of him and Doris, so much that Kaleb is named after them.

Cooking for the Kids

At the library last weekend, I decided to borrow Jessica Seinfeld's new cookbook "Deceptively Delicious" (click the link above to visit the books site hosted at Oprah.com- they have the recipes too). Todd and I both thumbed through it and saw some good recipes.

We decided to make meatloaf made with ground turkey (we have never cooked with ground turkey before..and it is cheaper than hamburger!) using Todd's recipe with Jessica's concept of "hiding pureed veggies" in the meat. We used broccoli, cauliflower, and pureed carrots...and the kids couldn't tell (Kaleb has no issues eating veggies, it's Jake); the consistency of the meatloaf was more mushy than firm...but was very good. (We also made turkey meatballs the next night..very good!).