
Christmas is Coming!!!

Besides fall, Christmas is my most favorite time of the year. Lights, Christmas songs, decorations (I love Snowmen!), SNOW, giving gifts, watching Jake open his gifts, watching Todd try (and usually succeed) to guess what each of his presents is, watching classic Christmas movies (Lampoon's Christmas Vacation...have to watch it every year while we decorate the tree!!!).

So, with the pending arrival of Kaleb, I have completed all of my Christmas shopping (except for 3 items) and Todd's gift(s). I am pretty sure I have enough wrapping paper, bought my cards, and we set the tree up today (we decided on just getting a small pre-lit 4 1/2 ft. one this year so it won't take up too much room)- this is the earliest we have ever done it too. Jakob loves it- he wants the lights out so he can look at the lights (that's my boy!). Here is a shot of it without decorations:

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