Got a lot accomplished Thursday. I was able to shower and cut Jake's hair (with little hassle) before he needed to go to school. It was off to my work to get my check and then to the bank to cash it. From there I brought the bugger to school. Before it was time to go pick him up I headed to Old Navy (got some really comfy pants/shirt for myself, shirt/wind pants for Todd, jammies/2 shirts for Jake, few out fits/shirts fo Kaleb that will fit him next low as $1.97 ea.!) and then had time to go to Walmart (with 10 minutes to spare until Jake was dismissed) and pick up formula that was on sale (Similac was offering 25.7 oz. can of Advance along with 1 qt. of the premade liquid for $21.87!! Plus they send me $5 off coupon/checks), then finally pick him up.
Matching Jammies I bought for the boys

I go back to work tomorrow. I have had a good almost 10 weeks at home and wouldn't have traded it for anything. Had a chance to spend quality time at home with my family and was able to participate with Jake going to school. I also will miss late night's watching CNN and HGTV, sleeping until 9 a.m. (hasn't append in a few weeks), taking Jake to school and/or picking him up, and watching Bringing Home Baby. *sigh*.
Work let one of my good friends go last week and another (schlep they shouldn't have hired anyway) on Friday. It's that time of the year when sales are down and they are looking at numbers- I have managed to stay on for 9 1/2 years. I hear they are conserving on the heat- to the point where people are wearing their winter coats and hats!. So, it ought to be interesting.
Spending the weekend getting the house in line. Cleaned and organized the living room yesterday while Todd and my Dad took Jake to Best Buy (Jake's favorite store)- they brought home Japanese *yummy* for dinner. We manage to have the bassinet and swing with room to move/play (once he has outgrown those, then it will be time for the Exersoucer). In the process of moving all of the kids books upstairs onto my book shelf and then I will transfer my books to another (less clutter). Dining area, kitchen, and downstairs bath are almost done. My bedroom- eh, some other day. Would like to get a nap in (was wide awake from 4 am to 6:15 am then went for a nap with the baby- should have no problem getting up tomorrow, but may get into an old habit of not sleeping on Sunday night because I know where I am going on Monday...and I won't be with my "babies" all day) and finish reading some magazines to add to the pile for Cathy.
Finished our taxes and have already received the state return back. Yippee...$ can go towards hospital co-pay for when Kaleb was born and other hospital related bills. Federal refund will be put into savings. Hoping my Dad will drop his off today, don't think I will have time to get to it during the week. On the taxes...why do people buy Turbo Tax when you can do it online at Turbo for FREE and it costs the same to file electronically?? (We bought the program last year and could not use it this year because of Kaleb..we will see if we can use it to do my parents and brothers taxes).
Off to finish making "Fiesta Cabbage"- check out my page if you are interested in the recipe.
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