How was my first day/week back? Well, it was nothing special. See below:
- "Few" people missing (already new that), Michele is in MX on vacation, so it was kind of quiet. It was good to see the people I missed.
- I wasn't as emotional as I thought I was going to be (I did get a little when Patty and I were talking about Jake and how I was able to either take him to school or pick him up; and then when Jeff asked me how Kaleb was doing- he had known about the RSV and actually knew how dangerous it can be).
- Pumping went well (schedule worked out with another Mommy that also pumps)- I go (try) twice a day (morning and afternoon). Friday wasn't so good as I was a tad stressed (see below) and I only managed to go once..so, not much.
- When I returned, I learned that I was moving back to my old department. Wasn't so bad, but wasn't officially told, just found out and then my duties weren't as clear as I would have liked. So, most of the week was spent re-doing the schedule and reacquainting myself (I had been out of the loop for over 6 months).
- I learned that we no longer have "sick/personal time", we have to "earn" it like the employees on the floor. So, we cannot be late more than 6 minutes a week and we really cannot deviate from our work schedule unless it is approved, and we have to work 40 hrs. This is per quarter (3 months). If we can accomplish this, we "earn" 12 hours. I banked 12 hours for Oct-Dec, but will not get it these 3 months because I took a week of unpaid time on FMLA (maternity leave) (stupid).
- Short term/long term disability was cut to 50% pay instead of 100%- good thing I was out when I was...I got 100% pay for 6 weeks. AND, there is a 7 day "waite period" with no pay, rather than get paid after the 3rd day out. (gay).
- We will start punching the clock March 1st. (retarded).
- On Thursday they let 3 more people go. One leaving effects my job as the other scheduler and I now have more work (they felt they would keep the 2 stronger of the 3 and let the new Inventory Mgr coming on board cover the rest). (not too happy).
- Because of the above, my hours are changing to 7:30 - 4 (so I go in 30 minutes later) (don't know how I feel about that).
- And...my cubicle is moving (Amy is where Laureen was and I will be where Amy was). (eh)
How are things at home?
- Wednesday was horrible. Just wanted to relax after getting my daily things done, but my nephew was here until 7:30 pm (no further comment at this time).
- Todd started helping out 2 weeks before I went back to work- he slacked off a bit this week, which was frustrating for me. AND, he asked if he could go shoot pool on Friday night with a buddy from work (I would not answer him). No further comment at this time, but he did NOT go last night. We have had a few "conversations" about compromise and responsibilities around the house. My thought is when you only wash the laundry and take out the garbage, you have no room to say ANYTHING.
- Jake is still in his bed. He has come in twice this week before 5 am and we sent him back to bed. He goes to bed no later than 9:30 p.m. and is usually up by 7 a.m. for the day (he has been getting up around 5:30 a.m....).
So, that was my week in a nutshell. Don't feel like being creative or really have the time, so I did "bullets". Off to CVS to get the rest of Big K's PediaPred (my Dad dropped the bottle). Already did the Walmart thing today, so we are god for another week. Almost done with paying the bills for the next few weeks. Big K has already had his bath.
Joy, Joy.
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