So I decided just for giggles to enter my name in a raffle at work to win (4) tickets to see the
Court Jesters (Click title for link to their page) play at the PHS. I figured, if I won it would be a fun thing to do with Jake..if I didn't win, no big deal. Well, I won!

Nana was able to join us in the fun and catch the team play the Plfld HS Athletic Boosters/Plfld Fire Dept. (proceeds benefited both PLFLD DEPTS). She entered a 50/50 raffle and won (and was so kind as to share her winnings)!! Jake was able to get a cool basketball with all of their signatures.
The show was quite fun...very comical! Jakob enjoyed himself, especially when the kids were able to go onto the court at half time and dance. The main player was "Rainbow"- was he a hoot!
He wore a microphone and would yell "WHOOT!" as he played and would also make comments and raze players on the other team. He would often end up in the audience grabbing men's butts and mimicking the way the girls would walk by sticking his butt out! At one point, Jake and I went out to go get a drink. I had a feeling Rainbow" might see us walk by, so I tried to make a dash for the door...yeah, he saw us and grabbed on to Jake's arm and tried to pull him on the court- FUNNY!

The best part was when "Rainbow", kneeling down with his back to the basket , made a shot from the middle of the court. It was great! And if you hadn't already guessed, the Court Jesters won.
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