As Jakob learned about the Thanksgiving holiday...all he could do was talk about our feast!
The plan was to stay home and have a quiet day...no dishes, headache, etc. I loved the idea of Chinese take out..but Todd had other ideas.
Day started a little early, but I had quite the rest the night before. Opted to go to the coffee shop for our morning Joe....even though it was chilly AND rainy. Jakob started his day off by calling Grammy, Nana, and Great Gram to wish them a "Happy Thanksgiving".
We ended up getting a small chicken that we cooked in the rotisserie along with scalloped potatoes (yeah, not traditional), and most of the traditional fixings. Even though I said I wasn't going to clean and put all of the leftovers away, I ended up doing both and the dishes too. Jake had lots of energy, so it wasn't very quiet (he was supposed to go see his friend Scotty, but wasn't behaving)...I looked forward to him going to bed and finally getting to enjoy some quiet time.
Todd was supposed to have the day off, but had to cover for someone that had a vacation day. Of course, he had to go in this afternoon, and his destination was Manhattan (one of his favorite places..note sarcasm).

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