We got off the interstate in Brattleboro, VT and headed up Rte. 5 into Windsor where their new home is. The drive was nice- weather was decent temp. wise with a little rain. I was given directions to their new place so we were able to find it...and I will agree, it's a "scary" neighborhood!. Todd and I thought that maybe the houses would get nicer the further down the road you go...aahh, no. Main street is decent and not

We then headed towards Rte. 7 and took that into Woodstock- stopping to get a newer picture of the Taftsville covered bridge and the falls below it.
Just up the road about 15 minutes is Long Trail Brewery, we had to stop (Jake had a little "accident" and that gave us an opportunity to stock up on some clothes). At this point, the rain stopped and the temp. warmed back up to 64 degrees.
We continued north going through Killington and Pico- there wasn't much snow, but some places had chunks of ice on the side of the road. Our journey took us through Rutland and into Pittsford- I showed Todd the VCJTC where my friend is a training coordinator. What a beautiful drive.
Next stop was Middlebury- had to check out the town we are 95 percent positive we are moving to within 5 years. I absolutely love it. We hung around there for over an hour, just driving around, getting familiar with the town. Checked out views of Otter Creek, the falls, the shops- found Otter Creek Brewery (Todd went in while Jake slept).
Still going north, we went through Vergennes and New Haven- breath taking views of the mountains! We arrived in South Burlington (Magic Hat was already closed, that's ok, we have been) around dinner time. At this point, Brian called to say he, Michele, and the boys arrived in VT- we were already almost 3 hours from them and had decided that we were going to continue north and spend the night. Before heading to dinner, we went just a tad further into Burlington- the town is awesome, we will be going back, especially to check out the aquarium and to take the ferry over to NY via Lake Champlain!
Needing clothes and toiletries for the next day, we headed over to Williston- it is kind of like Kittery, Maine with all of the outlets and stores, but the buildings are all brick and are really cool. Did a little shopping and then checked into the Courtyard Marriot in town (nice place/room only for $100!). I slept like a baby..the bed was so comfortable, not to mention the beds had down comforters.
We woke up..forgetting of course that the clocks were ahead one hour. We headed out going towards Essex Junction to checkout VT Toy and Hobby. We saw the falls and followed the Winooski River. At the toy store we found a lot of things for Jakob relating to signs.

We then stopped in Randolph, another cute town that I could handle living in! I had gone into The Ben Franklin (a store that has everything from toys to craft things to clothes, ect.) while Jakob napped in the car- I found material with road signs on it to make him something (pillow, quilt?)!! Little did I know that back in the car my little boy was throwing up! I felt so bad, he had been so good on our road trip. I sat in the back with him- he kept apologizing, saying he wanted to get better and go see Jorge, Edgart, and Jaime (we had planned on meeting up with them on the way back through). We stopped to get a bite to eat from a guy with a vending cart- boy did $12 buy a lot of really good food!!
We headed back towards Windsor via Waterbury, Montpelier, and White River Junction. We had called the guys and they had just settled down for lunch at a brewery in Lebanon, NH- didn't think it was a good idea to stop with Jake still throwing up in the car.
We (Todd) decided to hop on over to NH and follow the road south. Eh, I am not a huge fan of NH, but the ride was nice. We stopped in Keene to check out the stores. Headed back over into Vt. and followed 91 south. Todd decided to take us 15 minutes off of the hwy to check out these really cool falls that were kind of in the area of Deerfield...uh, yeah, the water was low and there was nothing.
The rest of the ride is nothing to write about- Springfield, Hartford, Norwich- blah blah blah. We finally got home around 6:30. Cleaned the house up a bit. Jake had stopped with the vomiting, but "it" decided to come out the "other end" three times before bed.
I felt "crappy" today myself- I ended up leaving around lunch time to come home and rest. Had a chance to nap a bit..but ended up getting sweats later this afternoon.
I had so much fun on my VT journey- I felt good in general, relaxed, calm, at peace. Some people don't get the whole VT thing....
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