it is all coming together: The wagon, the never-ending flu. Other little things. The questions/comments.
So, after still feeling ill the end of last week, feeling REALLY tired, cramps, and people asking "You sure you are not pregnant?!", I decided to take not 1, but 5 pregnancy tests FRIDAY (yeah, I waited a whole day).
The first test came out positive, and being in denial about the whole thing I went to Brooks and bought 2 more (digital read outs, brand I never heard of)- those came out negative. Hello. Run to Walmart, buy a 3 pack (yes they come in a 3 pack too)- I took 2 and they BOTH came out positive. Ok, no denying now. I AM PREGNANT.
Todd and I have been trying for the last year to have another baby. Each month, nothing. It was so discouraging. Each month I kept the pregancy test people in business (I am irregular and could be up to 4 weeks late each took atleast 1 test a month for 10 months to be sure). After the first 6 months of that being a main focus I decided that if it was going to happen it would on its own time. The last 3 months I had decided that I liked the idea of having one child (Jake is 98 percent potty trained, he will be starting pre-k in the fall, we can pack up and go on a road trip) for the moment and had said, "Let's just wait until we move north (approx 5 years), buy a house, and I can stay home for a bit.". Then.....
I am happy, just taking a little bit of getting used to the whole thing. You get into a mindset. I was starting to lose weight...can't dye my drinks (no big deal)...early to bed...tiredness...morning sickness during the day (not so bad this time around)...crankiness (not too bad)....can't eat certain Mexico in December.
I was just thinking the other day during my flu-puking fit (that lasted 8 hours) how much I didn't want to get pregnant and go through that...hahaha. Nacho thinks that we bought the wagon because I subconsciously knew I was pregnant. Funny bro...maybe.
Jake is so excited...we made a little video of him saying "Hi! Mommy's gonna have a baa-bee. Bye! Woohoo!". It was cute. (Bought Adobe Elements to be able to edit home videos). He kissed my belly the other night and said "The baby is in there, I can smell it!". Of course, he wants to see it now.
So, because I wasn't keeping track I have no idea how far along I am...guestimate= 6-9 weeks, and the due date is probably mid November. I made an appointment today (4/19/06).