Today we had our Relay for Life Bowling Event in Brooklyn. For our two teams of average and under average players..they were kind of serious (Adam even has his own ball!). It was a good time. Work provided snacks. All money raised by attending and money won during the game went to the Relay for Life team. I did win $5 for a strike on a money shot (I had a special pin)...and I also won a trophy for "The Most Gutterballs"!!!. I gave up half way through the first game of trying to bowl like everyone else and reverted to rolling the ball betweeen my legs! Jaime was teaching Jakob to yell "Show off!!" to Brian...he was also yelling to her "You're a winner!" every time SHE got a gutterball. I lost track of my total score, but I think my total for the last game (3 in all) wasn't even 50!!! We raised $650.
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