We ARE Zithromax
We all made it to the doctor! Jake has a form of pneumonia and is on antibiotics; Kaleb has a form of strep and is on antibiotics too; Todd is just getting over "this thing" and has a script for Z-pack to fill if he needs it- also had his blood pressure taken and it was rather high, so the doc adjusted his meds (he had changed over to our dr); I am just starting "this thing" and will be taking Sudafed and also have a script to fill if needed for a Z-pack.
It's Here...
I seriously thought that Kaleb and I would not catch the sickness, but we are at the beginning stages. With the long holiday weekend coming up, I decided to make an appt. for the three of us (and possibly Todd) to see the doctor this afternoon. Kaleb started with a stuffy nose last night, but it is on and off and he also has a little cough and has been sneezing; I woke up with my head hurting and could feel a little pain in my ears as well as possible swollen glands; Jakob's cough has worsened (at least he took medication on his own yesterday and we did not have to take drastic measures for him to take it; Todd still feels under the weather. I am most concerned about the baby with him being so young.
'Tis the Season

I didn't think I would finish getting the house straightened away, the rest of the gifts wrapped, and make 2 chocolate cream pies...but it happend!
Around 2 pm my parents, brother Kevin, his wife Megan, and son Shawn came. We opened gifts from them and from my aunts the night before (we didn't go this year due to Todd and Jake not feeling well). About 4:30ish Nana and Candi came to visit. After gifts, we had CHINESE for dinner...yummy!

Christmas Eve

All are asleep! I need to set cookies out for "Santa", finish wrapping a few gifts, and get to bed before Santa comes. Heehee
Sweet Dreams........

A Visiting We Will Go

Friday night we ventured out to Brian and Tawnya's. We had a great time with friends and just hanging out by the fire and watching Christmas movies (Jake was able to watch movies on a sleeping bag just like he was camping out). Kaleb slept the whole time we were there; he really enjoyed his time with Tawnya and Dan. We did miss seeing Jaime =(.
Today we went over to the farm to see Great Gram. Nana, Aunt Sue, Uncle Don, and Catherine came over to meet baby Kaleb. We had a great visit (Jake was Jake buzzing all around!). Of course, we were in Woodstock so I HAD to have cider from Woodstock Orchards....mmmm mmmm delicious!!
Gram and the boys.....

With Catherine and Aunt Sue......

I think the rest of the weekend will be low key and spent at home as both Todd and Jake seem to be coming down with a little something.
Feliz Navidad {Jakob's Version}
The first two words of the song are Jake's way of saying "Feliz Navidad".
Gingerbread House
Our "Feast"

As Jakob learned about the Thanksgiving holiday...all he could do was talk about our feast!
The plan was to stay home and have a quiet day...no dishes, headache, etc. I loved the idea of Chinese take out..but Todd had other ideas.
Day started a little early, but I had quite the rest the night before. Opted to go to the coffee shop for our morning Joe....even though it was chilly AND rainy. Jakob started his day off by calling Grammy, Nana, and Great Gram to wish them a "Happy Thanksgiving".
We ended up getting a small chicken that we cooked in the rotisserie along with scalloped potatoes (yeah, not traditional), and most of the traditional fixings. Even though I said I wasn't going to clean and put all of the leftovers away, I ended up doing both and the dishes too. Jake had lots of energy, so it wasn't very quiet (he was supposed to go see his friend Scotty, but wasn't behaving)...I looked forward to him going to bed and finally getting to enjoy some quiet time.
Todd was supposed to have the day off, but had to cover for someone that had a vacation day. Of course, he had to go in this afternoon, and his destination was Manhattan (one of his favorite places..note sarcasm).

Christmas is Coming!!!
Besides fall, Christmas is my most favorite time of the year. Lights, Christmas songs, decorations (I love Snowmen!), SNOW, giving gifts, watching Jake open his gifts, watching Todd try (and usually succeed) to guess what each of his presents is, watching classic Christmas movies (Lampoon's Christmas Vacation...have to watch it every year while we decorate the tree!!!).

So, with the pending arrival of Kaleb, I have completed all of my Christmas shopping (except for 3 items) and Todd's gift(s). I am pretty sure I have enough wrapping paper, bought my cards, and we set the tree up today (we decided on just getting a small pre-lit 4 1/2 ft. one this year so it won't take up too much room)- this is the earliest we have ever done it too. Jakob loves it- he wants the lights out so he can look at the lights (that's my boy!). Here is a shot of it without decorations:

1st Annual Community Show Case/Food Drive
Today we went with Missy and Lucas to the Community Show Case in town. A bunch of local businesses were on hand for us to sample what they have to offer (scrap booking, crafts, sports/hobby, etc.) We had a chance to see Smokey the Bear and meet Santa and Mrs. Clause.
Jake ran into a few classmates, so he was excited. We also watched the local fire dept put out a fire as part of the fire safety demonstration.
Jake ran into a few classmates, so he was excited. We also watched the local fire dept put out a fire as part of the fire safety demonstration.
Ready to POP!
Happy Halloween

Well, Todd didn't make it home to go Trick or Treating, so my Mom and I took Jakob out. We went around our place and then headed over to my aunt and uncles where he helped hand out candy (he would answer the door and say "Heellooooo, Happy Halloween!" and drop candy in their buckets. He was so excited to do this! He even got a hug from a little boy. From there we headed over to look at the pumpkins on Norman road (post below) all lit up. They were so neat..all different kinds of carvings from witches to submarines! Last stop was "the condos" down the road. For not going to too many houses, his pumpkin was 3/4 of the way full and he was happy!

Mis Amigos
How quickly 18 months goes by....
Jorge and Edgar(t), our really good friends (family!) from Mexico will be going home within a week. It is sad, but we will all stay in touch. Jakob understands that MX is far away and is sad that they are leaving...but I know we will see them again! We celebrated by having a "gathering" at the K of C (not fried!). Here are a few shots of Jake (high on sugar, soda) with his buds.

Jorge and Edgar(t), our really good friends (family!) from Mexico will be going home within a week. It is sad, but we will all stay in touch. Jakob understands that MX is far away and is sad that they are leaving...but I know we will see them again! We celebrated by having a "gathering" at the K of C (not fried!). Here are a few shots of Jake (high on sugar, soda) with his buds.
And Jorge

Todd and Rob
Fun Guys

Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins!
Every year this house down the road is decorated in PUMPKINS! They are on display 10/21 - 10/31. We have yet to drive by at night to see if they are all lit up. I still want to get another picture. Jakob was amazed and wanted to see the "oval" one (?).
Friday Afternoon
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