We had a good time! We made sugar cookies (each one perfectly made and decorated by Jorge), 2 chocolate cream pies (Nacho), an apple pie (Jorge). Edgar, Todd, and Jakob played video games. Much beer was polished off and festivities quieted down around 1:30 a.m. Little Hasselhoff managed to stay up til the end too!
Because Thanksgiving with Brian fell through, we decided to have Thanksgiving at our house and invite the guys over.

The day of thanks ended around 8 p.m. Jakob cried when he heard that they were leaving...he cried at the door while he was waving goodbye....and he cried for like 30 minutes after they left..."I miss them so much!"
He has a blast with them and they are all really good with him.
Friday was spent relaxing and cleaning up. My Mom stopped over and decided that she was going to have Jakob overnight.

My plans for Saturday are to head to NYC. Todd was asked if he wanted to go and he showed no interest. There was a spark of interest on Friday morning, but I wanted to go and have a good time and hear NO COMPLAINING about ANYTHING.
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