Got to love New England...65 one day, snow and freezing rain the next. The drive home Friday was not fun for me. I left work and rather enjoyed driving on the packed snow (Danielson did not plow!)...then came 395. It was so horrible- snow, ice, slush, and IDIOT drivers. Even though I have 4 X 4 I still keep a slow speedand don't do 70 like some in inclimate weather. I was yelling and a few bad words escaped my mouth. I was trying to pass a car in the passing lane (passing was actually better than the travel...again, no plowing!) and its driving in the middle of the highway (hello..pullover!) and starts veering more over to the left and pushes me onto the rumble strip! I beep and yell *sigh*. I had to get off and take Rte. 12 the rest of the way home (roads weren't any better, but less people!!).

St. Pat's day was pretty good. Jake and I did some grocery shopping and then headed home to start making CORNED BEEF! This year we added some beer to it...boy was it yummy! He tried it an loved it...he passed on the cabbage. Yesterday Todd made chicken Poullan Paisee (spelling?)- basically a roaster chicken seasoned and boiled with onions, carrots, potatoes, and celery. Jake had some of that and like it for the most part. Because he had tried new foods this weekend and didn't give us too much of a hassle, he got a new train. Took the left over dinner from last night and made home made chicken soup with dumplings. Mmmm Mmmm. Jake wasn't too thrilled about it and ended up falling asleep at the table (will post picture tomorrow).
I am battling some kind of sinus infection. I have been sick for about 2 weeks now with on/off ear ache, stuffy/runny nose, all around junk! It kind of went away mid week last week and I was feeling so much better, could taste and smell...then it came back worse than before Friday night. I feel like my head is going to pop. Will see how long I can hold out before heading to the DR.
So, I am is getting to me already this week (it's only Monday!!)...and Todd has a Manhattan run tomorrow afternoon (yeah, he won't get home until 1 am Wednesday). Jake has a birthday party each weekend for the next 2 weekends (not counting my Mom's birthday on one of those days). Have a ton of clothes to put away. Busy, busy!
Well are a few pictures to share. Enjoy!