
House Warming

Had a blast....
After about 20 rounds of beer pong, Todd was trying to make an attempt to show his "chi chi de hombres"....; started Brians tractor in the garage and mumbled something about the movie "Can't Buy Me Love"; AND was feeling quite ill exactly 5 times from Thompson to Griswold.


Redneck Gala

Invited Jorge and Nacho to the picnic. People think the rednecks are in the south, but I am here to tell you that they are in Brooklyn!

Jakob finally got to meet them; he looked at me kind of funny when I introduced him to Nacho, like "Momma, don't we eat nacho's for snack?"


Mexican Embassy

The party was hard last night..pint of tequila was not enough and stupid me moved on to vodka tonics...worse hang over of my life.


Yes, He's 32

I know, it is hard to believe that Todd is 32 today. Poor guy has more gray hair than both of my parents combined